“Cluster Green H2 Oliveira do Bairro”

It was with enourmous pleasure and thankfulness that on the past 15th of February, on a ceremony organized by the Prime Minister, António Costa, WinPower and the RECER Group signed the agreement for the financing contract that supports the production of renewable hydrogen and other renewable gases, amounting to 4.8 M€, in the framework of the Portuguese Plan for Recuperation and Resilience (Plano Português de Recuperação e Resiliência) – PRR.

The “Cluster Green H2 Oliveira do Bairro” will be developed by WP2X and consists of the production of green hydrogen from an electrolyser that sources residual water from local industries and the electrical energy produced through PV molecules from these same industries, by means of a renewable energy community.

This project, resulting from a partnership between WinPower, S.A. – a portuguese company on the energy generation area – and the RECER Group – a reference industrial group in Portugal that operates in serveral areas -, represents possible and necessary synergies nationally, on the way to industry decarbonization and energy transition, contributing significantly to the development of national engineering, circular economy and businesses alike.